Mixed number - Definition and examples

A mixed number is a number that has both a whole number part and a fractional part.

The fractional part is a proper fraction or a fraction that has a numerator that is smaller than the denominator.

Mixed number

Notice that the whole number part cannot be zero since zero is not included in the set of whole numbers.

Examples of mixed numbers

2 1/3, 4 2/7, 6 1/2, 24 4/5, 3 8/9, 8 3/4, and 75 1/8 

Why do we need mixed numbers?

Suppose four people are sharing nineteen dollars. Since the money cannot be shared evenly between these four people, we need a mixed number to express the answer.  

19/4 = (16 + 3)/4

19/4 = 16/4 + 3/4 

19/4 = 4 + 3/4

4 + 3/4 is a mixed number.

We can write it without the plus sign as 4 3/4

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