What are equivalent fractions ?

What are
equivalent fractions and how can we find them ? Equivalent fractions are fractions that name the same number or amount.

The fractions 5/5 and 8/8 name the same number ( 1 ) since 5/5 = 1 and

8/8 = 1. Therefore, 5/5 and 8/8 are equivalent fractions.

In the figure below, notice how the shaded area represents the same number that is 0.5.

Equivalent fractions

Since 1/2 and 4/8 name the same number, they are equivalent fractions.

To find equivalent fractions, you can just multiply or divide the numerator and denominator by the same non-zero number.

This does not change the value of the fraction since you are really multiplying the fraction by a different name for 1( 2/2, 3/3, 4/4, ...)


Find the fraction that is equivalent to 5/6.

Just multiply 5/6 by a different name for 1 such as 8/8

5/6  × 8/8  = (5 × 8) / (6 × 8) = 40/48

5/6 and 40/48 are equivalent fractions.

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