What is a Square foot? Definition and Examples

A square foot, also written as 1 ft2, is a unit for measuring the area in the customary measurement system. 

If one square foot measures the area of a square, then each side of the square will have a length that is equal to 1 foot.

1 square foot

A Real-Life Example of How Big 1 Square Foot is

Many floor tiles are usually made in a way so that it will result in an area of 1 square foot. If the tile is a square, then each side of the tile measures 1 foot or 12 inches.

Tile with an area of 1 square foot

Other Real-Life Examples of Things that Have an Area Closely Equal to One Square Foot 

  • The size of a printer paper is 8.5" × 11". Therefore, the area is 8.5 × 11 = 93.5 square inches and 93.5 square inches is closely equal to 1 square foot.
  • A mouse pad could have an area that is closely equal to 1 square foot.
  • A textbook could have an area that is closely equal to 1 square foot
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